"You've got to believe in yourself and the things you Do..."
- Grandad Jazz
The Ghost on Brondesbury Road - book 2
Author & Illustrator
- Katie Summers, Author -
Katie Summers has been entertaining her family and friends with stories of her adventures and travels since she was a little girl. Born in England to acclaimed British music manager, Jazz Summers and American school teacher, Angela, Katie’s life is anything but ordinary. From the time she was seven years old she began traveling back and forth alone between America where she lived with her mother, and England, to see her father for her summer vacations and holidays. From the people she met, to the places she visited, the things she did, and the lessons she learned, Katie’s transatlantic travels made for an interesting life.
Becoming a wife and mother and raising three young daughters has been a different kind of adventure for Katie, one which led to the adventures of “Claire Extraordinaire.” Both a desire to see her children represented in books, and a way to keep the memory of her late father alive, Claire Extraordinaire combines the lives and tales of very real people into a fun and exciting way to share their extra-ordinary lives.
- Lea McLean, Illustrator -
Lea McLean loves to draw, and despite being a full-grown adult, has never outgrown children’s books. Or cake with frosting.
She graduated from Western Washington University with a fancy paper that says she knows all about art. Then she went to work in advertising as a graphic designer, and eventually as an Art Director for the Seattle Art Museum. She loved it all so much, she never stopped.
She encourages anyone to pick up a pencil and just start drawing and designing. Even if it looks crummy. Just stuff it in a drawer and keep trying. She assures you she has drawers full of crummy drawings. She lives with her wonderful husband and hilarious son among the trees and clouds in Washington state.